The Costa Group

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Getting Rid of Clutter in Your Home

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions that people make is to get more organized. There is good reason for this; most of us find ourselves saying “it’s here somewhere” more times than we can count over the course of a year. December presents itself as an opportune time to declutter your home, a chance to utilize some of your extra time off to clean up, clear out, and get yourself (and your space) ready to start the new year off on the right foot.

Take control of your environment and get organized! Here’s how:

  • Stockpile supplies. Make sure you've got the right trash bins/bags, storage containers, file folders and markers at your fingertips before you start sorting and tossing. 
  • Take it one area at a time. Your home didn't become a mess overnight, so declutter in increments. Start with desktops, then floors, then moving on to file cabinets and bookcases.
  • Recruit help. This is a perfect chore for kids to pitch in on, since they will be personally invested (at least where their room and belongings are concerned). Don’t go it alone – this is a family effort!
  • Free up the fridge. All those little containers of mystery substances, full of leftover who-knows-what from who-knows-when? Get rid of them. This clean-up can also save you some calories.
  • Be realistic. You may have an idea of where you think an item should be kept, but determine if that’s where you end up using it or not. If your kids' toys actually live in the family room -- not in the bedroom toy box -- create a storage solution there.
  • Create a schedule. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your house doesn’t need to be completely decluttered in one day either. Decide on a reasonable timeframe, be mindful of the fact that life’s other responsibilities will continue while you’re trying to get this done, and stick to it.
  • Make it a regular task. You may only do one big clean-out per year, but make a point to check in on your clutter situation every couple of months. Staying on top of it will prevent clutter from piling up for months at a time, making your yearly task easier!

The feeling of being organized, in control, and having more space is amazing!